by Lorraine Bossé-Smith
Hearing a trusted medical professional tell you the news that you have an incurable disease is devastating. Facing a divorce, loss of job, or death of a loved one takes the wind right out of your sails. To learn I had beaten one incurable disease only to end up with another was overwhelming, and I had a flood of emotions assaulting me. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I told my husband I just didn’t have it in me to fight another war, but God reminded me He is the Great Physician. I wasn’t alone in my battle, and with God, all things were possible. I had to do my part.
The first principle I learned through all my ordeals is that we must first determine and define our diagnosis. That sounds easy enough, but it isn’t. The key here is to NOT accept a cookie-cutter diagnosis and prognosis from anyone else but yourself and God. Although all my tests concluded I had a severe case of Rheumatoid Arthritis (my body was attacking and destroying my own joints) and I couldn’t deny my pain, I could define my diagnosis to be one of a curable disease. I chose to believe in alternative options and believed in restoring my health. I asked God to reset my immune system, something the medical community says is impossible.
Once we define our diagnosis as we see fit, the next principle is to identify our intentions. I’m going to be really blunt, because let’s face it—some people do not want to get well. I have met too many people who get significance from their problems. They identify with it and label themselves as stuck. They’d rather talk about their illness than seek help. For whatever reason, they’d rather complain about being overweight instead of exercising. Some want to take drugs rather than change their eating habits. This is the work of Satan to keep us down, depressed, sick and unable to do God’s work as He intends for us.
Life is full of obstacles, many of which we will have no control over. What we do after a diagnosis or life pain is what matters. Do we deny it or blame others? Do we brush it off with sarcasm and justification? Or do we look it head on, facing it with courage, faith and determination?
We will each outline different courses for our unique circumstances, but we must be very intentional and deliberate with our actions. That brings us to the next principle: accelerate your actions. Researching is required, and taking a few steps is a start. However, if you truly want to defy your diagnosis, you have to be willing to go to extreme measures. You have to ignore the fear and place all your trust in the Heavenly Father.
Whatever your issue is, you might have to think outside of the box, as I did, and create a protocol or solution that doesn’t exist yet. Just because we define our diagnosis and identify our intentions does not mean we won’t be scared. We are human beings, after all. I had days where I was consumed by the thought of never being able to walk again, no less run or hike. I knew I was taking the right actions, but doubts would creep in. For me, I envisioned my disease to be a foreign invader in my body. Well, actually, it was! But I pictured it as a gruesome monster. I kept exercising despite my pain and would yell at it, “Get out! You don’t belong here!” When I taught my kickboxing class, I would envision every punch giving a crushing blow to the enemy within.
A few years ago, I had both feet operated on—residual effects from my Lyme disease (incurable disease #1). I suffered with pain for five years and did every alternative I could before surgery was my last option. When my podiatrist sat me down and prepared me for the process, he said something that has forever stuck with me. For a surgery to be successful, three parties are involved. First, he committed to giving his best skill and ability to me. Second, I needed to promise to be a good patient and do what would help my body heal and recover. Third is what he called the “God factor.” Doctors are not gods. They can only do their best. We certainly live with our bodies, but God made them, and everyone is different. Well, he did an excellent job, I listened and followed my post-op instructions, and God showed up. I am now pain free and living my active lifestyle.
I have since decided to call this The Healing Trinity. Whatever we face from the common cold to major illnesses, The Healing Trinity is involved. We cannot expect the medical community to operate outside of their scope of practice, nor can we demand miracles from them. They are only human. We most certainly must do our part. If we aren't happy with our health, then we need to look no further than the mirror and stop blaming others. What we do or don't do contributes more than anything to our overall health. We cannot leave out the God factor. He made us and can heal us. He is the Great Physician and Miracle Maker. My faith gave me hope.
My journey to a full recovery was a lonely one, and I don’t recommend it. I was taught to keep personal traumas private. I failed to understand how giving blesses both parties. When we don’t allow others to give, we prevent them from receiving a blessing!
My prayer for you is that you will have the faith to believe in a miracle yet trust God’s outcome. Sometimes healing doesn’t take place here on earth, but we have the assurance that no matter what happens, God is with us as we defy our diagnosis.

Founder of the FIT Leader Formula, Lorraine Bossé-Smith is a speaker, trainer, coach, consultant and author who helps people succeed both professionally and personally.
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